The video above and photos below constitute the ultimate compilation of female soccer star Alisha Lehmann’s impressive ass moments.

Alisha Lehmann nips ass

Just as the debate over who is the greatest infidel male soccer player was settled when Cristiano Ronaldo was promoted to play alongside the world’s best in the Saudi Pro League, so has the discussion over who is the best infidel female soccer player been settled by this showcase of Alisha’s stupendous sturdy shitbox.


Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann
Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann Alisha Lehmann

For it matters not how many goals Alisha Lehmann has scored, as the only thing of importance when it comes to evaluating female “athletes” is how well they would perform pulling the plow in the poppy fields and taking enormous tunic snakes in the bedrooms of us virile Muslim men.

Alisha Lehmann nude

And after carefully reviewing Alisha’s powerful hindquarters in these pics and videos it is clear that she has what it takes to be the MVP (Most Valuable Prostitute) in the harem of a Muslim man.

The post Alisha Lehmann’s Ass Ultimate Compilation appeared first on Celeb Jihad.

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